Use Vinegar And Salt To Improve The Air Quality At Home

We often hear about the use of vinegar and how it can help in multiple situations. We use it for cleaning almost any surface in the home and it is also great in recipes.

What you may not realize is the fact that the air quality in your home can also be impacted by using this natural solution. Just a little salt and vinegar can go a long way in helping to allow your entire family to breathe easily.

Consider some of the reasons why you should always keep salt and vinegar around the home. You may never run out again.

First of all, salt is more than just something you sprinkle on your food, it’s a powerful cleaner. It attracts moisture as well, pulling it out of the air and containing it like almost no other solution.

On the other hand, vinegar is beneficial because it has antimicrobial properties and can deodorize. In other words, when you put salt with vinegar, it neutralizes odors and reduces pollutants indoors.

The benefits are easy to see, it reduces odors, especially in areas where smells are very strong. It can also kill mold and bacteria, keeping it from growing.

That isn’t even to mention the fact that salt and vinegar are very cost-effective and friendly to the environment. Since they are non-toxic, you don’t have to worry about using them in your home.

7bCó thể là hình ảnh về văn bản cho biết 'Mix salt and vinegar gar in a glass and leave it in the room you're always in. Here's what happens...'

When you put a glass of vinegar and salt solution in a room, it will only take a few hours before you start to notice a difference. Regardless of whether you are trying to get rid of a cooking smell or a pet odor, it works wonders.

This isn’t something that you should only use on occasion. Use it regularly and you may just have fewer allergy symptoms to deal with. Cleaner air is better for everyone in the family.

Of course, cleaning the air is only one thing that salt and vinegar are useful for. You can also use them in the bathroom, kitchen, and throughout the house to clean surfaces and eliminate mildew. Add a little essential oil for some great-smelling solutions.

You would want to clean your home regularly and not simply use salt and vinegar to get rid of any odor that exists. When you’re ready, use this recipe to get started.

What you need:

1 cup of coarse salt (sea salt works best)
1/2 cup of white vinegar
A glass or ceramic bowl (avoid metal as vinegar can corrode it)
Once you have everything ready:

Mix and place the salt in the bowl and pour vinegar over it. Stir lightly to combine.
Position the bowl in areas where you notice poor air quality or strong odors.
Replace the mixture every two to three days for optimal effectiveness.

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