We interact with the world around us using all of our senses but it is our sense of sight that often takes the lead. What we see typically dictates what we do, and we try to trust our vision without doubting it.
There are times, however, when our vision may play tricks on us so exercising that sense of sight is important to keep us healthy, happy, and safe. One way that we can do so is by identifying things in pictures that are difficult to see.
You don’t necessarily have to have the eye of a sniper to live in this world, but it is a nice skill to learn. That is why we are sharing this picture with you, and it is there for you to help you hone your sight in an amazing way.
When you first glance at the picture we shared with you above, you likely just think that it is a nice image of a wooded area with some rocks in the foreground. That is true, but there is actually someone hiding in the picture, and you have to find them.
The person hiding in the picture is not necessarily trying to hide from site. It’s a case of natural camouflage and you would be surprised with how well it is able to work.

Humans don’t typically have the ability to camouflage themselves without a lot of effort put into it. Animals, on the other hand, are designed to camouflage themselves, either to hide from predators or to sneak up on their prey. In either case, we are constantly amazed by their ability to hide.
If you tried already to find the person in the picture unsuccessfully, why not give it another try before we show you the answer? They are there and not difficult to see, once you find them the first time.
Would you like a hint to help you find the person hiding in the picture? They are using natural shadows and colors to blend in.
You can try zooming into the picture, but that is not typically going to help. The best thing you can do is to skim the picture and pay particular attention to the shadow areas to see if you can spot the person hiding.
We are about to show you the solution to this problem. Make sure that you have tried your best to find the answer, because once you see where the person is hiding, you won’t be able to unsee it.
Are you ready for the solution?
It isn’t easy, even if you know where she is. You can see her wearing a hat and standing in the rocks.
Were you able to find it?