Nobody Knew What This Strange Glass Dumbbell Was

Have you ever found something and didn’t know what it was? It can be an interesting question and a quest to find out what it is. Sometimes, you may begin to question more than just the item you are seeing.

That is what recently happened when a person was at their in-law’s house and found something interesting among the butter dishes. It didn’t look like a kitchen utensil but they had no idea what it could be.

When they took things to the Internet to find the answer, there was one person who suggested it was a bone for a glass dog. In reality, it was something from over 100 years ago that was popular at one time but is no longer in use. It’s a knife rest.

When you think about the function of this unique item, it really added something to the dinner table. Essentially, it kept the knife blade from touching the tablecloth or the surface of the table after you used it.8a 11

Somebody who recognized it online said that her grandmother owned a couple of them and they were often placed at elegant meals when people were hosting a party. It was more than just a unique item, it was a tradition.

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Another option that was considered is a baby dumbbell, but the true purpose is actually much more interesting, if not a lot less humorous.

We live in a world that is constantly changing. Some changes are for the better and others are for the worse. At least we know now what we are seeing and a little more about the changes behind it.

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