8 Ways To Clear Your Congested Chest And Throat Of Mucous

It doesn’t matter if you have a cold or allergies, having too much phlegm in the chest and throat can be a big problem. Nobody enjoys sneezing, coughing, and blowing their nose constantly but there is help on the horizon.

Most of us realize that a problem with mucus and phlegm in the chest or throat is eventually going to clear to a certain extent. It may come naturally or we might take something that makes it better.

Since it is such a big problem, we would like to share some solutions that will help. Put these into practice and you might be surprised with how much clearer you are breathing.

First of all, it’s important to understand that mucus is a natural reaction and it is something that is made by the human body. It stops bacteria, dust, and or small particles from entering our lungs. It keeps our lungs clean.

Unfortunately, when excessive phlegm and mucus build up in the throat and chest, it can be a big problem. You may have a problem breathing or coughing and throat irritation may be an issue.


If you have this problem, try some of the common solutions that may just help to alleviate it and make you feel better.

1. Hydration – You can thin the mucus on a daily basis by drinking plenty of fluids. It can come in the form of water, herbal tea, soup, or any natural liquid.


2. Saltwater Gargle – Mix 1/2 tablespoon of salt in warm water and gargle a few times a day using it. This will go a long way in helping to reduce mucus in the throat.

3. Steam – Heat a bowl of water and allow the steam to thin the mucus. You can lean over the bowl of water, using a hot towel to direct as much of the moist air as possible toward your breathing air.

4. Warm Compress – You can apply a warm compress to your throat or chest to loosen the mucus and relieve congestion. It can be as simple as using a warm, clean town soaked in hot water.

5. Humidifier – Add some moisture to the air using a humidifier.

6. Lemon and Honey – A tablespoon of honey mixed in warm water with some lemon juice will help to soothe your sore throat and break up mucus.

7. Nasal Irrigation – Use a saline solution with a Neti pot to flush your nasal passages.

8. Avoid Pollutants – Any type of pollutant, including smoke, chemicals, or air pollution can make it difficult to breathe.

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