We carry our smartphones with us on a daily basis and they are rarely ever very far from us. That being said, there are still things we may not know about them that could really enhance our ability to use them.
Some of the hidden smartphone features that are right at your fingertips may surprise you and you will wish that you had known about them a long time ago. As they sometimes say, however, now is the best time so let’s look at the top tips so you can get started using them.
Silent Your Phone: If your phone rings at an inappropriate moment, it can be very embarrassing. There is a way, however, the silence your incoming calls and notifications quickly.
When the sound occurs, whether it is a notification or a ring, press the volume down button quickly. Your phone will mute and the call will not be rejected.
Camera Access: Since we carry a camera with us everywhere we go, we always have the opportunity to capture some amazing pictures. Don’t miss any because you can’t get the camera out quickly enough.
If you are an Android user, double press the power button, and the camera will instantly launch.
Widgets: Most people use icons on their home screen but you have the opportunity to use customizable widgets as well. These will allow you to access your favorite apps, check information, and do almost anything easily.
Some of the most popular widgets include calendar, email, weather, notes and health.
Eyestrain: We have all become accustomed to straining our eyes by staring at the screen. There is a way that you can limit this, and you can do it without limiting your screen time quite so much.
Look on your phone in the settings section for the dark mode function. It will give you a nice new look and save battery life, along with reducing eyestrain.
This is especially beneficial for use during low light settings or at night.
You might also want to take a break every 20 minutes and look at something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Known as the 20-20-20 rule, it is a game changer.
Save Your Battery: One of the most frustrating things that we could have happen is for the battery to die quickly. There are a number of settings in your phone that can help to reduce how quickly the battery dies.
Low Power Mode (IPhone) or Battery Saver (Android): Most modern-day smartphones have a built-in option to conserve power. It turns off some of the processes that are not so important to lower demand on the system.
App refresh: Many apps continue to refresh, even when you’re not using them and this drains the battery. You can disable or limit the activity to save energy.
Auto brightness: One of the biggest battery drains on any phone is the bright screen. Lower the brightness and your phone will last a lot longer.
Uninstall Apps: There may be some apps that run in the background and demand more battery use than others. These include gaming apps, social media, and some streaming apps. If you are using them close them and if you don’t use them at all, delete them.
Keep Your Phone Healthy: The best way to keep your smartphone running at peak performance is to make the most out of all of the features. Your device may slow down as apps update and clutter begins to form in your file system. Here are a few things to do.
Clear cache: Apps will store data in the background to help them run faster. Clear them occasionally.
Background apps: Many apps will continue to run, even if you are not using them. This drains memory and battery power.
Update Apps: Many apps will occasionally release updates to fix bugs and optimize performance. The same is also true of your operating system.
Storage Space: If you don’t have any storage space available your phone will run slowly. Learn how to look at the files on your device and delete them if they aren’t necessary.