What You See First Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality

Nobody likes taking tests, but then again, perhaps they don’t have the right perspective. After all, tests can be fun, especially when they are taken for your own benefit.

One interesting test that many people may enjoy doing is trying to figure out an optical illusion. This includes the following picture, and when you look at it, what is the first thing that you see?

Optical illusions trick the eye and the mind at the same time. Some feel that the brain can’t quite keep up with the amount of information that is being provided by the eyes through the optic nerve, which is why a conflict occurs.

Regardless, when you look in an optical illusion, it typically either makes you see something that doesn’t exist or keeps you from seeing something that does exist.

Of course, that is only one of the many things that are associated with optical illusions. It can also be a unique test that tells you something about yourself and your personality.

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By now, you have probably taken a closer look at the picture and you know what you saw first. In reality, this is an optical illusion that may just be able to identify your hidden personality traits.

The way that you reacted to the image at first may tell the truth about what is hiding underneath your exterior. Quite simply, if you saw a fish it may say one thing but if you saw a cloud, it may say another.

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Those two objects may be very different from each other, but they combine well in the optical illusion we have for you above. What did you see first?

You Saw a Fish First: If you saw a fish first, then you have a ‘go for the gusto’ type of attitude about life. You live every day as if it were potentially your last, and you want to get everything you possibly can while you are here.

You tend to be very focused on the amount of time you have available and you also tend to worry more than others. Stress dominates your day, as you often think about what is ahead rather than what is right in front of you.

You Saw the Cloud First: If you saw a cloud first, then you are someone who has a lot of charisma. Your personality tends to attract others because of your bravery and resilience.

Although most people see what is on the surface, there is also much more under the surface that adds to your personality. Your sensitivity and empathy that you feel toward others is a very attractive trait as well.

If you saw the cloud first, you tend to have very high standards and you set goals for yourself, and achieve them. This is not only true in life, it is true in your relationships.

So, what did you see first?

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