There Is A Button On Your Seatbelt And Nobody Knows Why

When we look at some of the small details in our automobiles, we may come across things that we don’t understand. Rest assured that everything designed in the car has a purpose, and that includes the unusual item we are talking about the day.

You might notice that there is a small button on the seatbelt strap and it might seem as if it doesn’t really have a purpose. Actually, it is known as a stop button or a retainer button, and you should be happy that it exists.

The stop button is made to stop the latch plate, which is part of the seatbelt that clips into the holder at your hip from moving too far. Essentially, it keeps the latch plate in a convenient position to save you time and frustration.

Imagine, for a moment, if the stop button did not exist. The latch plate would slide down the seatbelt until it got to the floor every time you took your seatbelt off and the seatbelt strap retracted. In other words, you would have to fish out the clip every time you needed to put on your seatbelt.

There may even be another stop button, and it is one that keeps the seatbelt latch from going too far up the strap. Although there is plenty of wiggle room to allow the clip to move up and down the strap, it does keep it from going too far up the strap and being inconveniently placed when you need it the most.

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These little stop buttons are very convenient but they are also rather fragile. From time to time, you may find that one breaks and when it does, you will want to replace it.

Fortunately, they are also very easy to replace and you can usually find the buttons or a replacement kit online and have it delivered to your home. Within a matter of minutes, you can then be back on the road and using your seatbelt in the most convenient way possible; the way it was designed.

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