Now You Know: Why Do People Put Peanuts In Coca-Cola?

Food is something that we all enjoy and it is also something that allows for diversity. In some cases, we may enjoy something that others would never even consider trying.

There is also something else that may occur on occasion with food, and that is for a trend to pop up. These typically follow social media, and they may be here and gone before we ever even get to try them.

There is a trend, however, that has been happening for decades and you may never have heard about it before. It is popular in some parts of the world, including in the southern United States.

Food trends do give us the opportunity to share what we enjoy with others and perhaps to enjoy something that we never even thought of before. That is the case with adding salted peanuts to Coca-Cola.10a 17

If you’ve never heard of this food trend before, then you must not live in the southern United States. It seems like such a strange combination, but it is worthy of giving a try.

Actually, the deep South is where you will find the origin of this interesting tradition. People in that area still enjoy it and have been enjoying it for decades. It’s a salty sweet snack that is part of their culture.

Early in the 1900s, workers in many of the industries in the area, including agriculture, textiles, and mechanics would use this to get a filling snack that could be put down quickly. Apparently, laborers wanted something that would sustain them and that they could enjoy without washing their hands to take a break.

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Peanuts were a natural choice because they were abundant in the South and they were full of healthy fats. Coca-Cola also got started in Atlanta, Georgia in the late 1800s and was becoming a very popular drink.

The combination is rather simple to understand. Add a small packet of salted peanuts to a bottle of Coca-Cola. The peanuts at a crunch and some salt to the sweet and fizz of the soda. They also soften as they sit in the drink.

This drink is sometimes referred to as a ‘farmers Coke’ but in 2018, it became an Internet trend. Suddenly, people everywhere were trying it.

So the question is, if you haven’t tried this unique food combination, what is holding you back? You may just find that you enjoy it more than you ever thought you could.

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