I Was Shocked When I Learned Why People Add Vinegar To Their Laundry

Vinegar is a type of natural cleaner that is used for many purposes. It is also used in many recipes. One thing that many people are not aware of, however, is the fact that it can be used when doing your laundry.

Recently, we’ve heard a lot about people using vinegar in their laundry and we were amazed with why they were doing it. Here are some of the top reasons and after learning them, you will want to do it yourself.

1. Whites: If you like having your white clothing white, then vinegar is your key to success. Put half a cup of distilled vinegar in a load of laundry to enjoy the whitest whites. It removes much of the residue that builds up on the laundry naturally.

2. Smells: Do you ever have musty smells when you do your laundry? One of the ways to stop it from happening is to add vinegar to the laundry load. Put 1/2 cup of vinegar in the load to get your clothes smelling great.

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3. Fabric Softener: If you enjoy the soft clothes that come from using fabric softener, then you may want to try some vinegar. Using 1/2 cup of vinegar in the laundry and washing as normal will provide you with exactly what you desire.

4. Stains: It can be difficult to remove some tough stains but vinegar will help you. Put between one half and one full cup of vinegar in the load of laundry and you will be amazed with how clean they will be.

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